Accidentally deleted my project

I accidentally deleted my project when I tried to delete a separate project, I have uploaded but a game file of it and exported a build onto the web browser gd thingamabobber but I don’t know how to retrieve it because it was saved on the cloud.

bump fill fill fill fill fill fill fill fill

I have already contacted support, on their email,, but I am unsure if they will be able to contact me, any suggestions on what to do or if there is another way to go about retrieving the project?

please help! just want some sort of direction if possible

Unfortunately, there is no direction folks here can give.

If it was a cloud project and you deleted it there is generally no restoring it beyond hopes that it’s still available on one of the AWS cloud. Contacting support is your only option.

If it was a local project, the “delete” action just deletes it from your list of projects and your project folder will still be there, unless you manually went to the folder and deleted it there, or saved another project over it.

There is no crossover between cloud and local projects, so deleted local projects won’t have a cloud backup, nor vice versa.