Add score to leaderboard

Hello everyone, im a newbie in gdevelop and hope someone more expert than me can help me with this.
Im creating a game, open to everybody, with no log in, and im now trying to figure out the leaderboard features.
Example of what i would like to achive:
Player start the game, he play a scene and he got a score, at the end of the scene the player is sent to the leaderboard page where he should type his name(there is no login so is forced) and save his score; here is what i would like that happen:
He can ADD the score he just made to a player already listed in the leaderboard just by typing that name, it will add his scene score to that player total score; or create a new player by typing a name (not already in leaderboad), and add the score to that name just created.
Everybody is free to add his own scenescore to an already listed player total score on the leaderboard or create a new player of his own and sending score there by tipyng that name all the time a scene end.

After that

i need to get the total scores of all the player that are in the leaderboard and put it in a variable, and then comparing it with another number that i will input.
If the total scores is equal to the number i inputted, the game can not be played anymore by no one, perhaps by deleting the button of play.
I was wondering if there is a way to do it with the leaderboard that exist on gdevelop, or need to create one from scratch.
Thanks a lot

Hi, yes, it is possible to implement what you’re describing, and the GDevelop documentation provides a guide on how to set up leaderboards. You can find the relevant instructions here:

To achieve this, you’ll need to use a scene variable to store the player’s score during the game. Once the scene ends, the score from this variable can be sent to the leaderboard. Since you’re not using an authentication feature, you can include a text input field (such as a chat input object) where the player can type their name or nickname to submit their score. If you prefer, you could also allow users to submit scores as a guest.
However, regarding your second point:

While this is possible, it isn’t the safest approach. Allowing anyone to submit a score for any name could lead to the score being overridden, which can be problematic.