Add the "Cozy Genre" genre to

Please add the genre “Cozy” to the platform. :ribbon: :dove:

(Somehow I couldn’t manage to get this post in the gdgames category.)


Hello Ambytar!

Don’t worry about the tags, it is usually the core team who can add them after reading the topic. :wink:

As for “cozy” I am personally a big fan of those kind of games. That would certainly be lovely :slight_smile:

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Thank you for a very fast (and positive) response. :slight_smile:

Personally I like playing cozy games too.

I think it would be a very nice general additon for the platform, it would also add a new target audience.

(I have also to admit that I am looking for the cozy genre for: to categorize my own game correctly because the main theme is… cozy.).