Adventure like Broken Sword

Hi folks! I am an Literature writter/Illustrator/ animator; and now I am developing my first game story; so as a Linux user, I want to try this powerfull engine.

I would like, if possible, to ask if is there a template, or sample game like Broken Sword? A Point and Click game, that loads sprites, animation videos, map clicks, scene clicks, dialogs and all king of resources that Broken Sword has.

This game will be open source, with all Blender and Synfig animation source files avaiable. I’ve writter the screenplay in Portuguese and English, so, I just need to Know if I can create this kind of game with a pre made template, or If I need to study a lot to create it.

Thanks, and I am just writting this post because I could not find all the answers searching the Forum.

I doubt there’ll be something like that on the forums(not sure about the french forum :stuck_out_tongue:). Game Develop is as easy as it gets.
You could use variables to control screenplay. As in you could change the variable when an object is clicked to some other value. Then simply trigger events using trigger once and compare two values.(i.e. variable with some number)

Thanks aryanagal for the fast answer. Well, this is my problem, I am not a programer, but I can study a little to try. If the tool can do it… I just need to learn a few things to make it work… I hope so!

Hi folks! Learning from here a lot of things…
Well, I’ve did a test scene for a point and click adventure, with colect of itens…

The test is here:

Just need to click on the balloons to change scene, just that.

No problem @ricardograca! Feel free to ask your questions and I’m sure if they’re sensible enough, somebody will answer :smiley:

Must say I’m impressed since it’s your first time :slight_smile: .
Could you put an english version please :confused:

Hi my friend! Thanks !!!
I have updated the game test, now in English and with a start screen.

I have other doubts, but I am looking for solutions… like:

1- Transitions between scenes… I do not think the software does, but, I think I am going to solve it with sprites between scenes backgrounds…

2- Button animations to in and out of a scene… mayba I use sprites and path for that… but would be cool if automated.

3- I’ll test the save game, save state, and load then from each user logged in a website, for example