Android resolution (pixi.js)


I’m having problems with my Android game in regards to the resolution. I heard that you’d need to tweak the pixi.js file with PIXI.RESOLUTION = 2;
I did try that but it didn’t seem to work. Does anyone have a solution or a file where this is fixed so I can see?

Does anyone have a solution?

check this attachment may be it helps you outcanvas.gdg (7.17 KB)

Doesn’t seem to work at my end :frowning: . Did it work for anyone else?

Has anyone tried the file he sent? Did it work for anyone else? All my images and text seem blurry no matter what I do. This is a problem in Intel XDK when exporting to Android.

Give me screen shots and your files if possible let me see the problem

Also instead of Intel xdk try ludei

I tried ludei and it worked like a charm! Seems to be a problem with Intel XDK. What version do you have? And is it possible to have admob ads by compiling the game through Ludei?