Animating the UI

Hello Gdevelop! :slight_smile:
I have a request that would make Gdevelop feel much better to use. Could you just add some smooth transitions in the App UI? What I mean is, instead of making UI elements just appear, add some way for it to appear, like sliding in from the bottom, or just tweening it’s opacity to 255. It would just make the app feel much more polished.
For example, heres something that could change:

When I open the event group, it just appears. It would be WAY better if it had a transition.
This would be very nice, and I would appreciate it if you could add it. :grinning:


Like the Project Manager panel.
I don’t really miss it but I’ll vote for it. And if there was an opt-out button in the perfereces, everyone would be happy with it.


I agree with the aesthetic part improvement…
but it will slow down me for some milliseconds… :stuck_out_tongue:

lol…joke aside upvoted…

yeah, i hope the mods notice this

Sounds cool but I’m not sure about it. I feel like it will cause unnecessary lag if you have a lot of events to show.