Animation interpolation (3D)

Being able to smoothly transition from animation to animation is something my project needs, and there isn’t a way to make it myself i don’t think.

animation interpolation would allow the bones of a 3d model to interpolate (almost like a gdevelop tween) to the next animation without looking snappy


Hello DesmonDev,

Thank you for your topic.
Would you mind to please give more context on what are you trying to resolve with this feature?
Please mention the use case that you are trying to achieve, so it is easier for the team to understand why you’re requesting this feature.

Thank you for your help!

I’ve edited my post now, hopefully this explains it!


Hey Luni!

This feature would be awesome. I made a 2D character with sprites, just like Spine software does. The mesh is a 2D sprite that is animated by bones. The animations look very satisfying, but we don’t have smooth transitions, and it kind of kills the smooth animation idea.

Just tell me what you will require for showcase the problem the video the project ? and I will send everything.

Hello Saba,
Any video demonstration of what you consider important is always welcome.
Also, please don’t forget to add a heart to DesmonDev original post so we can count it as a vote for this feature :pray:t3:


I guess that they are talking about animation cross fading.

For instance:


Yes yes!!! Thanks I was looking for that