
is there a problem with animation played on timer condition? because i tried to do an “animation played if timer – is on – sec’s” and it doesn’t work…

Hi, from this screenshot not sure either - you seem to be using scene timer, which is ok. Can you try other simple actions such as changing background color to make sure the condition works?
It could be other events not shown in here, or the timer is reset multiple times.

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i tried changing to white and it still didn’t play it
and the timer is reset 1 time, and that is on the one you see in the screenshot sooooo /-:

Display the value of your Attacks variable and the value of the timer in text objects to confirm the problem.

i don’t know how…

Create a text object, place it on the scene, then add a “modify the text” action without conditions.
Instead of entering text, click on the blue button on the right side, choose Conversion to convert numbers to text, and then select your variable or your timer using the blue button.

i did that, it works, and then what?

oh and thx for the explanation

Now you can troubleshoot :slight_smile:
Check the values during the game to see if your problem comes from the variable not having the correct value, or from the timer being reset too often, or if the problem is elsewhere.
Good luck. :+1:

ok! thank you! :grinning::grinning::grinning:

Had some similar issues, decided to bunk the timer way of approaching entirely used my score as a measuring unit instead

i tried this now, with variable that every 1 secend, aaaaaaaaand it didn’t work ):