I want to make a Tileset that reacts when ANY tile touches an object. Is this possible?
You need a second image to use as mask collision. This image must be larger than the object, and occupy the same position.
GDevelop tileset not allow many effects, just change the width / height and offset.
You need a second hidden layer of tilesets to show / hide, if you want some kind of visual effect.
Download link: http://www.speedyshare.com/6DgjD/Platformer.zip
Is not possible to just use the mask collision detection?:
Object collides with TileMap (collision mask) ==> Do something
AnyTileCollision.zip (172 KB)
Of course, but only if the object is above the tileset.
I used ‘Basic Platformer’ example, where the player object is moved by ‘PlatformerObject’ Behaviour and the sprite object is not above the tileset.
Then you need to use a second image as collision mask.
EDIT: If the sprite had used Physics Behaviour to move, GDevelop detects the collision without being over the tileset.