App Tracking Transparency for iOS


I have gotten into an issue regarding the Apple App Store, specifically regarding the ATT (App Tracking Transparency).

For those of you unaware of what this is at a glance, it is a message that usually works as a pop-up when the user launches most apps for the first time on iOS. It tends to look somewhat like this:


It is of relevance to all apps using Ads, for example, or geo-location, etc.

Is there any way to prompt this pop-up from my Gdevelop game (app)?

  • I have tried searching for extensions that can do this, but without luck.
    ** I have tried to google / youtube how to do this in Gdevelop, without luck.*
    ** I have checked the Gdevelop Discord & Forums, without luck.*

Hello, Gdevelop has recently made it possible to distribute our apps on Apple. So I guess they haven’t been able to deal with all the Apple issues yet.

It’s a tricky subject, but necessary if we want to offer our apps on the Appstore.

So I’m taking the liberty of replying here in order to give visibility (I hope) about this topic to the Gdevelop team!


I don’t know if this thread is too old to bump but I’m having the same issue here, the documentation ( requestTrackingAuthorization(completionHandler:) | Apple Developer Documentation ) only has a way to implement this in swift, so I can’t just make a javascript extension to do it, I really don’t want to implement this in Xcode since I have literally no knowledge of it but that seems like the only option, any ideas?

I have run into the same issue, is there an easy way to do this in Gdev?