Assets folder wrong location

Hi, my assets folder is located inside Gdevelop Projects folder which contains all of my projects including the one using the assets.

When I try to move the folder by hand, it doesn’t work. It also creates a file for every single image I ever use in the project, even those that were replaced/rescaled with another one. It’s hard to navigate and I would like to have it divided in subfolders in the main assets folder, in the game folder if possible.

Thanks for the response

Try to create project in other folder, not in gdevelop projects.
Where are .json files of project? with the assets folder too?

Thanks for the response,
the .json file is in the only file in the game folder.

Edit: I found new .json files in the Gdevelop projects folder aswell

Thanks for the help, in the end I just saved the project in a different folder on my desktop and it seems to work fine. Is there a way to get rid of the unused images, or creating subfolders? Thank you

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As far as I’m aware, subfolders (other than the asset folder) are not supported.

As you found, you can relocate the entire project (including assets) using Save As, and this can also help clean up your assets.

before doing this, if you have a bunch of assets you’re no longer using, complete this:

  1. Go to your project’s Resources panel.
  2. Right-click any asset and choose Remove unused > Remove unused (any kind). These will remove the asset from your project resources (not delete the files).

Now when you choose “Save as”, the new folder you save it into will only bring over files that are actually still associated in your resources panel.

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