Background changing position (2)
Hi everyone
here when I resize the preview window the background changes the position accordingly…
Does that means that the background will change according to the device’s size ??
I want the background to set at one place

Sorry , I could not find better words to explain

Yes, it changes according to the device’s size.

Did you want to say, you want it to cover all the screen? If yes then you can either make this object very big by changing its size image or if you want the screen area to be the same in all devices like this:

then you can go to your project’s properties and change the resolution resize mode to No changes to the game size

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Thankyou @Muzan for helping

I had a question
Suppose I use the property “No changes to the game size” and set the width as 900 and height as 700
Case 1 -
Now if I have a device whose resolution is smaller than 900,700 then will the game compress itself to fit in the resolution ??? or something else
Case 2-
if I have a device whose resolution is larger than 900,700 then what will happen ?

The game will stretch to fit either width or height, whichever is smaller. And there will be black stripes on the larger side.

but I want the game to fit in any resolution , what to do?

The game will fit, only with black stripes:

Update: Other settings specify which side (width and height) to use as the main one, while the other side will be built to the size of the first. In this case, screen clipping may occur.

Is there a way to stop that black strips ?
I have used “No changes to the game size”
But u said that the black stripes will be their in case 2 but in case 1 the game will stretch …
what should I do for case 1

Sorry but I could not understand your last 2 lines
“Update: Other settings specify which side (width and height) to use as the main one, while the other side will be built to the size of the first. In this case, screen clipping may occur.”

Games will shrink and adjust to a lower resolution in accordance with the aspect ratio. For example, a game with a resolution of 400x800, we make it smaller:

Setting “Change width to fit the screen ow window size”:
That is, the height will be fixed, and the game will be cropped in width.

Try experimenting with the settings and resizing the screen, you will see the result. Also, the size of the game window can be changed through the code. Write the code in which you will change the size of the game window (to whatever you need) and see the result. Practical experimentation will help you figure out the possibilities faster. =)