I’ve figured out the side to side parallax, but I can’t find or figure out how to keep the BG object where they are if my player decides to go higher than the images. As in, my platformer scrolls fine when side to side on one level, but I can’t figure out how to get them to sink lower when he goes higher and such. They always stay centered. I imagine this is an easy fix, but I can’t think of it. Any help here?
I’ve tried setting camera bounds and such but it doesn’t seem to work. I have smooth camera behavior and whatnot, maybe that’s messing with it?
So I found the extension for parallax horizontal and vertical. They work ok, but I found that using the tiled sprite with my custom images ran into a positioning issue. So I had to move the image all the way to the top of the artboard (Illustrator) and leave a whole bunch of room undearneath it so that the vertical parallax extension didn’t continue to tile the image. I didn’t see a better way to get around that, I don’t know how to stop a tile image from continuing to reproduce. Thanks again for the help.