Battle Royale storms

I think the “fog of wars” example has a really close effect. ill mess with that

“One of my main problems using the extension is how do I make the red go infinitely out of the circle” <[Problem solved] now it’s the closing in circle

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the sprite masking extension just seems to hide all of the image outside of the object. but what about a action with the opposite effect? that would basically be Hide image masked with Object

Not if you use a sprite and scale it to x 100 for example. The only drawback would be the pixels on the borders between the storm zone and the playable zone, I don’t know how well the border will look if you scale it a lot.

This was my thought. I modified the example project and removed anything irrelevant. With the hole being inside the object, I was surprised that the collision still worked.

try it. I switched it to the top-down movement behavior.

I’m not familiar enough with the extension. It needs testing. I also don’t know what the settings like height, maximum and thickness should be.


Edit: Again, I’m not familiar with the marching squares extension. So, actions might not be needed or the settings might need tweaking.

It all gets complicated when the size of the place is large.

Ill try that tomorrow, thanks

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I’ll just ask one question before I try this. Is the “red zone” object necessary for this?

I’m not at my PC but I believe so.

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Now i have a random question. not anything to do with the zone. how do i make the shape painter draw a box on every Instance of an object for a map? with that extension

You could use a for each instance. Im just guessing. I’m not sure what you want to do.

i can get it to work. but then the performance is very laggy, here’s a picture

EDIT: This is the map btw. UM. Never mind. fixed it. now its smooth.the problem was i had it running an action that wasnt even required that was from marching squares. and since this is literally 1000 cubes. it all runs at once. now its just cubes

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Hello, Im a little late to the party, but I would try making a layer with a giant tiled square of storm color. adjust the layer opacity to add that color over storm area, and use a mask filter for the eye of the storm. just a suggestion.

What’s a mask filter. I’m not familiar with that.
I may have used the wrong term…
its like a spotlight, or a hole in the object, the object/sprite is opaque, unless you set layer opacity different like I mentioned previously, and the circle or whatever your mask is, is the only spot that is transparent. Like a circle could be moved around to look like its lighting up the background, making what’s in the circle/spotlight visible.

I’m aware of that extension but I don’t think it can do inverted or negative masks. You’d have to create or draw an ln image of a rectangle with a hole.

Yeah, I just spent like 20 minutes trying to do what I explained and the mask extension does not work the way I expected it to. Too many years of graphics programs maybe? And then realized exactly what you said, just make a giant bitmap with a hole in it. haha! Dang, Sorry I couldn’t be more help…

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I had the same initial thought. You can use a shape painter to draw the square with a hole except you can’t simply draw a square and then erase the circle. I thought of drawing it in parts but even that wasn’t fun.