Better Effects System

This is a lot to ask, so I get if you don’t want to do it. But, if you are willing to do it, a better effects system in Gdevelop would be very useful. Kind of like unity’s effects system.

Our current effects tab is a little bit limited, and this would be a nice addition to the game engine, and it would be awesome if it was easy to understand. Maybe add it as an advanced option in the effects tab.
Although this would be very cool, I understand that it isn’t the easiest thing to add to gdevelop.
Thanks a lot!

Hello derplord,
Thank you for your topic.
To better understand why you are requesting a system like Unity’s, I’d like to know which are the features that make you perceive something as “better than GDevelop’s” when working with effects.

Could you please explain:

  • What are you concreatly trying to achieve with effects?, and
  • What are the actions or steps that you struggle with in today’s system and are stopping you form executing them?
