Black Screen in - Galatic Space Shooter

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Hello Gdevelop team
We are i am karthik from TimeSpace Games on

We have published our games on platform, we need promoted few weeks ago. But, recently we started facing an issue on one of our games Galactic Space shooter game

Black screen issue, one of our player has pointed out in the feedback that he face Black screen issue, the game was not loading at all.

below is the screenshot

We tried and checked the our game Galactic space shooter from our side, and for us it is loading just fine

But, i noticed one thing that when i played in incognito mode, the game didn’t load, and i faced Black screen issue, but when played from my own account and Gdevelop project, the game seems to load just fine.

This is only happening with one game, the other games are working just fine.

We would appreciate your support and any comment on this, Thank you!

I request everyone, please check and verify if our games are loading or you are facing black screen issue.

It would really help us, check for any potential bugs or issues in the project.
TimeSpace Games on

All of your games are loading for me (Chrome on macOS)

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Thank you Man, it helps a lot @Avram . We have been worried. But, glad it i working for everyone now.

On my regular browser, qutebrowser the only game that will load is Shadow Run. All other games give me this screen:

I thought maybe it was related to the adblocker but I tried out some random games on the GD games site and they all seemed to load.

I opened Firefox and tried, all the games loaded on that browser, but I will say Galactic Space Shooter showed me the intro fine and then went to a black screen while playing the theme music. I finally gave up waiting for it to load, went back to the TimeSpace GD page, selected it again. Same thing happend. Went to TimeSpace GD page, selected it again: third time it loaded and played fine.

Thank you for brining this in our attention, let us check this again for all games and make sure all the game loads as it should. We similarly got this Gdevelop icon placeholder issue when we were working on the game in the Gdevelop editor.