Browser plays the wrong music title

Hi There

I exported my game my game as the html files and uploaded them on a web-server. This works fine.
In each scene in the game, there is always a song starting at the beginning of the scene.
This works fine, but at the beginning of the scenes the browser is always additionally playing the song from the main-scene over the other music. So it’s playing my music as intended, but it also plays a second song out of nowhere.

Has anyone an idea how to fix this issue?


One thing which came to my mind is “Stop music and sounds on startup” checkbox in Scene Properties.

Could it be, that in the game scenes the “Stop music…” is currently unchecked? In that case the main scene music continues playing even if the scene is changed.



Unfortunately that’s not the issue. It’s set like in your screenshot. Somehow the Browser is unable to interpret it the right way. Any other Ideas? Now I tried to make an extra action in GDevelop to stop the music, bevor the scene swaps, maybe this helps.

One thing you can do is stop all music before playing the new one maybe that solve it

It’s still somehow superbugy, I simply decided to quit the music.

If you are playing it as Play Music maybe try playing it as Play Sound, I’ve read many times people having problems with Play Music.