Button Animation on Different Layer

This is my buttons event

The CondenseChromatin plays the Pressed animation here when clicked the Base Layer pauses and creates new objects in new layer “Condense”.

Now, when I go back to the base layer by pressing the Condensed it won’t play the Pressed animation

Here’s my event

Is the Condensed button on the base layer? If it is, then it’s animation is freezing when the base layer’s timescale = 0.

Also another thing to note, the “button pressed” condition checks every frame so you may want to add trigger once to the events so that the animations don’t keep changing on every frame. Whereas the “button released” condition only checks once the button is released, so it doesn’t require the trigger once condition.

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The Condensed button is in the Condense Layer :sob:. Also thank you for the correction :blush:

No problem!
Is the Condensed button in the group Joysticks?

Nope, it’s only on the DnaCondense Group. When I press on Condense it just automatically deletes everything on Condense Layer and plays the Base Layer (Layer timescale = 1)

I don’t see the issue being in these events by looking at them alone, and it might be another event causing it. Do you have other events that change or modify the animation of the Condense button, or uses the Pause variable?

The first picture on my post is a different event from the second picture. The first pic is just an event where it changes animation if pressed. I don’t know if this info helps with the problem but the Pause is a global variable, I used it for other scenes. For this scene I only used in an event once. Unlike the other scenes, I used Pause in a layer timescale.

If I’m not mistaken, I don’t see an issue with the events.

My guess would be some other event is pausing the animation. Eg: an action pausing the animation for the group DNAcondense. If the animation if paused once, it’ll stay paused even if the animation is changed, until it’s resumed again.

Try to isolate the problem by checking if the animation work by disabling other events or by isolating it’s events.

That’s all I have if I don’t look at the project.

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I will try and check everything. Thank you @insein :blush:

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