Camera jitter while walking on a platform

I’m using the center the camera on object within limits action. its working fine until I step on this 1 platform every time I stop the screen jitters. Any help. plzzz

I have seen people saying that making moving platforms jumpthrough may help :thinking:

I’m constantly falling while it goes up when i make it a jumpthru

A lot of things can be happening here, check the player Platform behaviour, Gravity, slope, x and Y tolerance. maxfall Speed, then play with different speeds on the moving platform until you find a balance.

The same happens to me and I finally find a way to get all working with some minor issue that is when the platforma is going down and the player jump the camera jitts a little.

Right now I’m at the office so no GDevelop here.
Later I will show you my settings so maybe helps you.

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thank you :slight_smile: