Change game language?

So I’ve been doing some research how to do it, and there’s seem to be an extension called Language and kinda old and not too clear atm.

I already wrote the whole thing and having Chinese dialogs in the middle of the event so probably not a good idea to duplicate into 2 actions with variable (English boolean true/false)

so wondering if there’s an action that can connect to a variable and goes to a dialog manager or something that can switch with global variable?

Thx in advance!

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Hello ! I have checked the langage extention you mentionned. The only thing it does is create an expression which returns the langage set in your system (such as “en” (English), “en-US” (English as used in the United States), “en-GB” (United Kingdom English), “es” (Spanish), “zh-CN” (Chinese as used in China), etc., quoting the extension)

It does not provide other ways to handle translations. What I would do, is create a structure which contains all dialogs, in english and in chinese. And based on the language choosen by your player, you pick the good string.

Have you used structures and arrays yet in Gdevelop ?

I have very shallow knowledge about structure which is just using them as folder but I’ll try to dig into it, is there any good tutorial? Thx!

The first step would be to read that page : Variables - GDevelop documentation . There are a few paragraphs about structures (however, I don’t think that the video mentions them).

And then experiment a bit !

If you can wait a bit, I might actually build such a system for my game. But don’t hold your breath though…