Change the URL?

I think is not a very “catchy” URL. Isn’t is owned by you? Because it redirects to Why don’t you want to switch?
Thank you!

That’s unlikely, if you look at the whois record, one is registered through amazon, the other through ovh:

If both were owned by 4ian they would more likely be registered via the same registrar.

Even if both are owned by 4ian, as you can see via a whois lookup, was created in 2020 and in 2018. A domain migration is tedious, prone to errors, and doesn’t change much. It’s a pretty simple choice imo:

Migrate to Stay on
:white_check_mark: Have a domain name some users think is catchier so they can use it a few times before forgetting about it :heavy_minus_sign: Isn’t as catchy
:x: No user knows about this domain, we have to inform all users about it so that they can give the correct link in the future :white_check_mark: Users know this domain
:x: Breaks the build service on older versions of GDevelop as it is coded to find it on :white_check_mark: Doesn’t break anything
:x: All links from other websites pointing to break and we lose that advertisement :white_check_mark: Articles and website referring to us keep on having valid links to the website
:x: Users who uploaded a web build will not be able to access them if they for example linked to it from their website or bookmarked it, until they manually replace the domain name :white_check_mark: Users will still be able to access their web builds