Hi everyone! I’ve recently started making a video game myself, and I’ve hit a problem.
The truth is, I know what the problem is, I just have no idea how to fix it.
I understand that if you have two images trying to run at once, it’ll make only the first sprite of the animation run, but I’ve been playing around for a few hours alone, trying to figure out how to stop one animation completely to start the other.
So I posted my code I’ve made, and if there is anything you can suggest to help me fix this issue, I’d appreciate it immensely! This is one of the last bits I need to fix before I can get to more complex game mechanics, and I don’t want to leave this problem here.
Thank you in advance, and if you need any additional info to be able to help me, please let me know! I love GDevelop and I want to finish my own game. ^^