Complex variable-handling extension get-up and button doesn't work

I have two extensions in my game, hand-made.
One just checks whether an object is hovered while the user’s choice of mouse button is released.

The other is a complex variable-handler that is supposed to handle all the variables needed for an old-school 1st person 2d dungeon crawler: direction the player is looking (1,2,3,4) xy coordinates on a grid (x,y) and the current area (…then set the area [or area type] as x; if area type = x, then …). The extension adds conditions and actions to manipulate those variables. You can either rotate relative to the current rotation or just turn left or right. Then, you can move forward, backward, left, or right, by changing the coordinates.

Or that’s how it’s supposed to work. But I set up a room, by saying that if the coordinates are 0,0, then if the rotation is 1, one animation of the viewport is shown, and if 2, another, and if 3, another, and if 4, another, all meant to look like the same spot from different angles. When the buttons for left and right were clicked, the rotation was supposed to add or subtract 1. I’m not sure if I made sure to loop the rotations so that if one went right while looking left, the rotation change back to 1, but if that were the case, at least one button would still work. Neither button changes the animation. The viewport does nothing but sit there. I do believe that the criteria I specified at the beginning of the scene, look north at these coordinates, worked, because the original animation of the viewport is straightnowstraightlater, without any side-exits to the hallway, and the animation in the preview was leftnowstraightlater, a backward l-shaped passage.

(The side arrow buttons, if you can see it in the events, actually have different animations, based on variables, that make them angled to the sides.)

I am willing to show any other info on the makeup of my extension and other events as is needed.

I don’t understand the concept especially since I don’t know how the other functions work.

I plead with you to use clearer variable names and values. Instead of Variable = 1, 2, 3 or 4
You could use a string variable that is set to left, right, up, down.

It would be so much easier to use
If Direction equals “left”
Is player is facing “left” or maybe use “east”

The dungeon crawler extension simulates an imaginary grid that can be used for a number of purposes. In it, there are the x variable, the y variable, the direction variable, and the y variable. The first two are the coordinates on the imaginary grid, and the last two are less obvious; direction shows whether the player is looking north, east, south, or west; directions 1,2,3, or 4, to the computer. The area is just determined by the specifics of the room, and is much less specific. It’s basically, a type of room. You can set it so that if a given room is part of area 1, the graphics are different, so, like, the floor color, or sky color, or something.

The functions all either check the state of those variables or change them.

There are 4 functions, actions, with one event each, which add or subtract 1 to the x or y to modify the player’s location on the grid in an orderly manner. To go forward, backward, left, or right. These do not, however, currently take the direction the player is turned into consideration. They are moveUp, moveRight, moveDown, and moveLeft.
There is also a teleport function, allowing the user to set the coordinates arbitrarily.

For directions, there is turnLeft and turnRight, which add or subtract 1 to the direction, and turnAround, to add or subtract 2, based on whether the current number is less or equal to 2, or greater than 2. The direction may also be set arbitrarily with turnNorth, turnSouth, turnEast, and turnWest.

The area can be set by whatever means the user likes, by using setArea, which just changes the area to the user’s selection of number.

For conditions, you can check if both coordinates are a value, or if each coordinate, individually, is a value. I used “GetArgumentAsNumber(“Parameter”)” for these because I couldn’t figure out the new way, and it seems to work, still. You can also check if the player is currently in area GetArgumentAsNumber, and check if the direction is GetAnswerAsNumber.

I seriously think it has something to do with my button but I don’t know for sure.

OK. I understand the concept now. It reminds me of a pipe game project I made. It was the classic pipe puzzle with pipes that you could place and rotate.

Are you using external layouts for the room or building them piece by piece or is each room an image (animation)? An external layout might be nice. It could contain the room along with the possible movement arrows. An animation could also include buttons or use hit boxes to help with possible moves.

For the map itself are you using an array with 2 dimensions like room[0] [0] or are you using events for each room.

While I understand the concept. I don’t understand the execution.

I vaguely recall the genre. Is the perspective of the room fixed or do the walls or perspective change so you can see the other walls?

As for comparing parameters you can use the parameter name. The name shows up in the autocomplete just like variables.

It’s all events. The graphics are just buttons, a single plain-colored rectangle for the sky, and an image of the walls, to go over the sky, the animation of which is supposed to change according to the room and direction the player is looking. Over the top of this, props may eventually be added, depending on the room.

The map is purely theoretical and may be expanded in all directions infinitely, without any graphics representing it whatsoever.