Cordova error in Android - Error The connection to the server was unsuccessful


I have an issue when I try to run my apk in Android. 50% of the times I try to do it, time passes and it doesn’t come out of that screen. After a while I get the notification: “ApplicationError The connection to the server was unsuccessful”. The te application get blocked and I have to close it.

I think this is related to the updates of Android due to recent changes in Cordova. Could you please help me to fix this problem?

Thanks in advance

This is the notification that appears after a while without responses.

Happens to me about half the time I try to open the app too.

I am having the same problem.
I have noticed that in older android devices this error is more likely to show instead of newer versions.

Has anyone found a fix for this issue?
It seems to affect many android devices.

Hello Jeromck, the problem persists. We are discussing in this thread:

Maybe you can provide more details about your case to see if a solution can be found. Do you have the same warnings as me in the developer tools console?

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