Create a bunch of enemies with single spritesheet & customizing behaviours depending on an index

How do I…

I have a spritesheet of monsters that I have used for my first game, Eye of the Beerholder, that realized in Godot.
The spritesheet contains 170 rows of sprites, each row of 5 frames. They all share the same animation sequence: 3 are used for the walk animation and 2 for the attack animation, always in the same order.

Thanks to this, in Godot I am able to use an only “monster” object; chosing and integer in the range 0-169, I can fix the row, thus the monster type: a goblin, a wolf, a skeleton, etc. This number also allows me to pick data from an array, retrieving the monster name, HP, damage, walk speed, range of attack, projectile type… a lot of stuff indeed.

I wonder if this can be done in Gdevelop. I do NOT want to have to code 170 different object types, all with the same basic behaviour and animations: I would like to do it only at once, with the same code in the same object, picking up an index just as in Godot.

But to begin with, I don’t even understand how to use the spritesheet in such a way.

GDevelop uses a single image per animation. It can’t do sprite sheets. There are a couple of possible ways to get around this:

  1. Use Sprite Animation Helper plug-in for to break up the sprites into individual images, and load these into a sprite object for each animation sequence. You could name the animations “Walk1” for walk animation for monster1, “Attack1” for attack animation for monster1, “Walk2” for monster 2 etc. You then set the animation referencing the walk animation name as “'Walk' + ToString(MonsterNumber)”, and similarly for the attack animation (“Attack' + ToString(MonsterNumber)”) where MonsterNumber is a variable for the monster’s number/id. This would require one sprite object.

  2. Use the sprite sheet as is in a Tiled Sprite object. If all the sprites are the same dimensions, you then set the tile size to those dimensions, and use the x and y offsets calculated on the frame number and monster number. This uses one tiled sprite object, but you’d have to manage the animation by changing the offsets with events.

Thanks for your reply!