Day/Night Cycle using 3 images

Hello, I’m trying to make a day/night cycle using 3 images with opacity, 1st being day, 2nd being dawn, 3rd and final being night, then it would go back to day, and then does the loop again infinitely, I would like for each one to last 3 minutes before switching, I don’t want it to be real-time, I tried making it but couldn’t come up with anything so I would appreciate help with it

Make a timer, and 3 variables, if Variable “Night” is True change opacity of Object Day Skyline to 0, Set Object Dawn Skyline to 0, set Object Night Skyline to 100

For the timer name it “Sky Timer” or something and heres the condition and actions

That should give you a pretty basic day night system, I set the timers to 10 minutes do whatever you want though lol

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