Deadbolt-Esque (Help, Updates, Suggestions, Etc.)

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How do I…

I am trying to make a game in the style of Hopoo Games’ 2016 release, Deadbolt. I know the basics of GDevelop (camera following, animations, etc), but I am frankly lost on things like main menu creation, level selecting, good programs for level design, ways to procedurally generate levels, and things like switching weapons.

What is the expected result

The expected result is a list of ways to get things working? I don’t really expect much other than a way to let the community help and to give the community updates.

Concept Screencap

Hi @SockPuppet_Salesman, welcome to the community!

People here can help you with specific problems you face while working on your project, but won’t be able to help you with a generic question like how to make a full game or multiple things at ones or not providing enough context to your problems.

My advice would be:

  • Start working on a prototype of your game first
  • There are plenty of tutorials and templates to help you with most of what you’ll want to create
  • If you’re stuck on something, you can search the forum for similar topics with a possible solution
  • If you still don’t find what you’re looking for, then you can create a topic with your specific problem and provide context (explanation / screenshots / video recordings) so people are able to properly help you out.

Good luck with your game!

Thanks for the advice! I figured that this thread would mostly be a single place where I’d ask for fixes with specific problems, so that I’m not flooding the whole site with one game. Apologies if that didn’t come across in the first post :sweat_smile:

Case in point, does anyone have any recommendations for pixel art tutorials? I have about 0 artistic talent, but I’d like y’all’s input on where best to learn.

No problem at all!

Imo youtube is a good starting point, there are a lot of great tutorials from amazing creators and you can learn a lot.

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And (this should be the last question for a bit), does anyone know of a good program for making tile maps? I know the basics of using LDtk, but I’d like to figure out how to make my own tile sets to use in it.