My Issue:
When I try to start my dialogue tree, it does not come over to the external layout. All of the same dialogue-related objects- text boxes, bitmap texts, options text, and buttons- are in my external layouts since they are references in the main game scene.
But, I noticed that within the debugger, the visibility of my dialogue objects (except for the dialogue’s own text box only) read as “is hidden?: true”. And if I manually set my dialogue text to “is hidden? false” then it shows me the default bitmap text string, and not even my own default text string.
I am confused, because if the dialogue text box is visible, then why aren’t the rest of my dialogue objects visible as well?
Without external layouts, my dialogue tree works fine. I followed HelperWesley’s tutorial on creating levels from external layouts and global variables, which works as it should.
What is the expected result
When I run the game, my dialogue tree should show up when I start an interaction with an NPC object, as my scenes are External Layouts.
What is the actual result
When I interact with an NPC object, only my dialogue text box object shows on the screen, and not the usual yarn node dialogue I had set up. Because of this, my player cannot start the quest that is connected to my yarn dialogue.
Related screenshots
Upload game file
I am unable to upload the game file, as it does not give me a file link button anywhere that I can see, and dragging my files in brings up an error “file type not supported, only jpeg/png/gif”
But the default said I can upload a .zip or .rar file?