Hello, is there an easy way to change the colors within a text input window? I would like to display different text colors at the same time in a text input window. The text imput window should only be used in reading mode. Maybe someone has an idea.
Greetings Markus
What do you mean by reading mode?
I’m not aware of input texts being multicoloured. However, BBText can be multicoloured, but cannot be used as an input.
Sorry that I’m only now answering. It’s a shame, it would have been a great thing. Should only be used as a window for the chat history in a multiplayer game. Then it has to stay monochrome.
By reading mode I mean the following:
So why not have a BBText object in the scene with an input text below it? When the message is sent, add the text to the BBText object and clear out the input text box.