[Done in 5.0.129] Toggle disabled keyboard shortcut

Hello, I’d like to request a keyboard shortcut for Toggle disabled in the events editor.


Hi Bubble!
You can do that by right clicking the event > press D.
You can do it with a lot of other right click menu too, based on the first letter. Hope this helps <3


Thank you cat, that’s very useful. Although the first letter of Delete is D and that’s what happens if I right click the event and press D, the event gets deleted. So following your explanation, I right clicked, and pressed T. And it works, yayyyy.

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@Bouh @alexandresi
So I was looking around github after following a link in another thread and see that this request is being acted on with D as the shortcut. This would mean you need to change the shortcut for Delete which is already D, see my post above. T already works for Toggle disabled, see above, so this may affect your activity on this?

ahahah yes I forgot, haven’t touched GDevelop in like a year now ^^’
Worth noting you can do it with other programs too. Google Chrome, Windows programs, Microsoft office… so many possibilities!

That is an interesting GitHub post. I hope it changes “Toggle Disabled” to something like “Disable event” so it still makes sense to press the first letter

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You can now use D in event sheet in 5.0.129.
Have fun with the shortcut :slight_smile:


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