Drag/Drop variables into a structure

Right now it’s possible to drag a child variable out of a structure, but not the other way around (if the structure is empty).


Actually, technically not true, You can drag a variable into a structure, if there’s a child variable in it. But I get your point, you should be able to drag it regardless.

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Nothing personal, but this is something im starting to find annoying…

You are right, you can do this, you can drag a variable in and out of a structure as long as there one in there, woohoo! right?



Because it dosent update your variables.

If you drag the declared variable out of the structure and then save, the variable in the events wont update to the new format.

Why is this an issue? Well because it was a selling point of this entire thing.

Declare your variables so that if you need to update whatever, they will just update in the events.

I get that you ment well, and you did give good info, but it seems like everything about this situation was just badly checked in the same way.

Does it do a thing? Yes, is it better? Subjective, does it do the thing as its supose to? Some times?

I really think they should of taken more time to implement this in a way where things worked better.

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