Here’s a temporary update for feedback purposes, until I can get all the other exports built and uploaded; which probably won’t happen today because I’ve been working on this for several days and I’m ready to play with something else.
Big part of this update is I started to work on the next layer of the dungeon. In the second layer I put in some new wall tiles, and made some map-oriented puzzles, rather than combat oriented challenges featured in the previous stage. As recommended, I went back to the old method of making the walls instead of the raycasting.
I also (hopefully) fixed all the display bugs from combat scenes, and I’ve started paring down the size of the levels as much as I can. I’ve managed to trim about 200 objects from the largest level. I saw a slight increase in performance, but I still need to do more. I’ve started restructuring the walls which were improperly built before I understood how the walls were animated. That’s going to be a big task which I’ll try and do just a little at a time. If I do just 1 or 2 sections of wall a day, eventually it’ll all be finished, just like eating an elephant.
Also changed the way some non essential parts of the code are executed (instead of running every frame, they run once per second) in hopes of getting a little bit more performance boost.
I’m considering writing a walkthrough or some instructions. I don’t know if the game is intuitive enough as it is… Any feedback on this would be great.
I implemented multiple control methods so it’s playable via multiple platforms.
As a note, you’ll probably need a pretty high end tablet/phone to play this on mobile. I have a low end phone I tried it on, and it’s really really bad. My roommate has a better phone and it runs “ok” on his - It isn’t great, but playable.
On mobile, you press the right button to turn right, the left button to turn left, and both to go straight. Y to confirm, N to deny, L to load, and S to save. The game should detect if you’re on mobile and show you the on screen controls.
Keyboard controls save with 1 and load with F1, arrows or wasd to move, Y or N to confirm/deny.
Gamepad - up/down/left right to turn or move backward and forward. Square to save, triangle to load, cross to confirm, circle to deny, or the respective buttons on another gamepad. I also added strafing with shoulder buttons.
gamepad and mobile controls haven’t been thoroughly tested so there’s probably bugs.
Currently featuring 22 attributes you can acquire (you won’t be able to get them all on a single playthrough; the game is designed this way for replay value) 7 “enemies” you can defeat, and 6 map puzzles (walls you’ll have to knock down if you have the right attributes to do it)
Estimated playtime is about 45 minutes to 1hr in a single play through.
Questions/comments/suggestions are always welcome and appreciated. Even if you tell me you hate, as long as you tell me what you hate about it, that’s valuable input.
Finally, a screen shot of the new level: