Edit instance variables for multiple objects and/or instances


I always tend to select multiple objects trying to edit their instance variables at the same time, which feels intuitive to be able to do that the same way I can change the other properties, like animation or rotation.

This feature would allow the ability to edit the instance variables of multiple same-object instances, or different objects that have the same declared variables in common.

The addition of group variables is a great feature which was actually one of my feature suggestions for the new variables system.

Group variables suggestion

So the instance variables panel would work similarly where it would list declared variables that are common between the selected objects. Editing a variable would set the new value to the selected objects, overwriting any Mixed Values. Deleting the variable would reset it to it’s original declared value.


Hello, Insein!

This is something I’ve been wanting for quite some time! I even created a feature request about it 2 years ago.

But your Feature Request already have 4 votes (mine just 1) and your is much better explained. I hope Luni will disregard my old one and keep yours!


Thanks Rasterisko! I didn’t see your previous request but a moderator can merge both requests into one. Maybe the team at GDevelop had other priorities and features to work on before, and I think now this feature would work well with the new variables system.

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Hello insen,
The good news is that this feature was discussed months ago when we attacked the instance panel redesign and the core team agrees that allowing the user to edit multiple instances or even objects on certain areas is a feature we’ll allow. :slight_smile: I cannot personally give a timeframe when this will arrive, but it is definitely in the future of GDevelop!

Rasterisko: I’ve merged your old request with this one. Thanks for mentioning it! :pray:t3:


It looks good…
just a question; do u need to select manually instances in editor?
Or there will be an option to edit em all at once?
bcs not all the times selection is limited to small areas.

It would be better if you select just one and automatically edit all similar…imo…
in the end it looks like to edit…an object var.?..or i’m wrong?..

btw i guess in some cases it should help…upvoted.