Enemies created at wrong area

I am working on a small pixel style game where you play as a young witch who shoots at an enemy when the enemy is hit they turn into a gem which the player collects.
When all enemies have been turned into gems and gems collected an exit will appear to advance to the next level.
The problem is when the gem is collected another enemy is generated at the top of the game which I don’t want to happen.

These are the events

A video of the problem

Any advice on how to sort out the problem ?


When you delete blue slime
Then you create something at position of blue slime
Where do you think it should create

Look here i will write some text

Now i want you to show me location of XXX in that text
But not on the one above but at the one below

Can you? Cause i think you can’t since i just deleted it

Order of events matter
1st you create then you delete
So position of where you create something can be taken from somewhere

So just change order of your actions
Put create above delete