Enhancement Requests for Liluo.io and GDevelop IDE GUI

I’ll leave here some opinions of what would be good to have at Gdevelop and Liluo:

Improvements in Liluo:

  • Being able to edit games through the website, as well as having a Login and password
  • Add social media and payment icons (twitter, buy me a coffee, paypal, itch, github etc.)

Improvements in Gdevelop IDE:

  • Tutorial videos could be embedded in the IDE and not be linked to youtube
  • Groups grid colors could be customized by the IDE itself, currently it is blue, but the user could modify these colors.
  • Realtime debug in the tool (my wonder if that would be possible) and not at runtime as it is currently.
  • List of variables (scene and global) for a better visualization of all the variables that are used in the project.
  • Double click scenes, events and layouts. The first click only highlights and the second selects.
  • Highlighting objects and groups

Would any of these changes be possible? What do you think?

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Hey Willian,

Just to touch on some of these:

  • While you cannot modify the default color, all group and notation (Comments) colors can be modified:

    • Right-clicking on the group will give you an edit option

    • Then you can set the color to whatever you wish:

  • This is also true for comments. Is that what you’re looking for, or were you wanting something else?

  • Can you give context on what you are asking for on this? As of right now, for me clicking on an object instance in the instance list selects it in the scene and highlights it, clicking on an event group highlights the event group title in the list.
  • For this one you might also need to give more context (or a mockup of what you’re looking for?).
  • Normally you never want to display variables of a different scopes (global/scene/object/instance) together in an engine to avoid confusion and potential scope corruption, but I might be misunderstanding.
  • I could see value in this, although this would likely mean they’d need to add a video player to the engine, as well as risk potential issues with not providing tutorial creators with views/clickthroughs/etc since not all tutorials are from the GDevelop company.
  • I could see this being an engine setting, much like the setting that was recently added to determine what happens when you click outside of a popup window (treat as cancel/okay/do nothing).
  • Can you give more context on what type of debug you’re looking for?
  • I’m pretty sure the current debugger functionality wouldn’t be possible in the scene editor, because the actual engine isn’t running in the background, but if there’s specific debugging functionality you’re looking for that may help the devs/contributors comment on if it is possible or not.

Edit: made a slight change to the post subject to help ensure more eyes can get on it.

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That way I know we can, but the idea is to be able to leave a default!

It would be another way to customize gdevelop itself. For example, I always use the green color for groups, so I always have to change the color from blue to green, if gdevelop had a customization for that, it would be better.

Currently, when we want to debug something, we need to execute it and as soon as we stop the project execution, everything is reset, it should be on the screen to be able to check.

Sorry, I missed that! what I meant would be double click on that part of the IDE.

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