Error while publishing the game

I am new to gdevelop and Im having trouble publishing my game.
The error I get is:
Archive is of size 570MB limit allowed of 250MB
How do I fix this?
Thank you,

Hi Jackie, you’ll have to reduce the size of your file quite drastically. What’s taking up most of the size? If they are graphics, you could check what size & resolution you really need them at. If it’s sound or music, look at compressing them.

You can also remove any unused resources :

Click on the project manager icon (top right, under the File menu option, and select resources

The right click on a resource (in the right hand panel) and select “Remove unused …” and select the unused files type to remove.

Otherwise you can compile on your computer, If you go down this route, there’s help on the GDevelop Wiki on publishing.

Thank you! I will try to do that