Exporting to Intel XDK, no XDK files

Hello everyone!

My name’s Emer. Just started GDevelop a few months ago, pretty neat stuff!

I have a problem when exporting to intel XDK. After selecting the option “Export to Intel XDK”, all i get in the folder is a ‘www’ folder and a config.xml file, no xdk file anywhere

Im currently using ver in Win 8.1

Previously i used ver 3.6.84, and it can export to intel xdk just fine (it has the xdk file in the export folder), but the problem in that version is that i can’t preview the game in the internet browser (it showed a blank window, black color to be exact)…

So, there’s a dilemma:

— On one version, I can preview game but can’t get xdk file

— On the other version, I can’t preview game but can get the xdk file

Am I missing some settings or files to fix these bugs? Hope someone can help solve this problem

Thank you for your time

  • Emer

You need to import your code base in
Try following this http://wiki.compilgames.net/doku.php/gdevelop/tutorials/howtouseintelxdk
Also in 3.6.84 try clearing your browser catche maybe?

OMG legion of doom thanks a bunch! I thought i could never export again

Thanks again!