External hyperlinks within game level

Hi I want to use GDevelop to make a portfolio in the style of a simple 2D platformer, where the character (me) runs through the level and past my achievements and creations, sort of like a living timeline. The idea would be that images and videos of my work would be in the background alongside the character and platforms etc. but I would also like some clickable links that would open external sites, is this possible within the game? I have read up on external events but I don’t think that’s what I’m after? Thanks

There’s an action for it. What you’re looking for is “open URL”. Took me a while to find it too :sweat_smile::

Btw thought I’d mention that your portfolio idea sounds super cool! Might nab it for myself… lol!

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Excellent thanks, yes feel free I think it’s a fun way to package a portfolio!