Falling down two platforms?

I am making a terraria-style game with separate blocks and a Platformer character. For some of the blocks I use jumpthrough platforms. But when I am standing on two jumpthrough platforms at the same time, I can’t fall through. Is there a way to fix this

What is the expected result



I just tested this in a fresh project, and falling through multiple jump-through platforms works as expected. This means the issue is likely caused by something in your events or collision settings.
If you share your events, I might be able to help you out.

Here are my events! (I didn’t get all of it but the rest is all on a different layer, so I don’t think it matters too much)

Where are the events that handle the down arrow or ‘s’ key press?

Just realized I don’t have any… but I can still use the down arrow on just one block and I drop down.