I know you can adjust this manually. But today I noticed some bugs that occurred in my game and I only found out after checking the collisions and realizing that they should be integers.
For example, pay attention to this small snippet of the video below. The enemy falls after attacking me.
This happened precisely because the numbers in the collision box (X and Y) were not integers.The same happens if the enemy goes down a slope (such as a stone staircase), or he sinks to the ground or gets stuck.
However, I should have recorded a video before fixing all the errors I found related to this, but I didn’t. Sorry.
But the fact is that there could be a way to adjust this automatically, I believe that an option of " collisions integers" could be put there, so whenever dragging the collisions gdevelop would round the numbers to not have this problem of floating numbers.
Hi! Apologies for the delay. But, if you saw the video, you noticed that the enemy of my game, fell after giving me an attack. You could tell me that this would be a creation point problem (origin) but no. Because after changing the collision box this stopped happening so I did this with all my other objects (enemies).
By the way, that platform the enemy was on is a Jumpthru!