[FIXED]Change Animation Not Working

I want the animation to change when the object has not changed position. I define this by creating variables for the cursor, and the object itself is also recording its last position.

I replaced the “change animation” with “delete object” to check if the actions event was working, and it DOES work. But for some it doesn’t change animation and if checked everywhere, and I don’t understand what the issue is.

Is there anywhere else in the project that changes RedBow’s animation? Because if you switch the animation action with a delete and that works, then the only reason I can come up with to why the animation doesn’t appear to change is because it’s being changed elsewhere.

It is changed but only in specific instances, for example with its blue’s turn or if the player clicks on another piece. I’ve messed around a bit with it and tried to see what’s wrong but I’ve spent so much time looking for errors that at this point I think there’s a glitch with GDevelop.

Also, I copied and pasted the actions/conditions from Blues turn (i used a Boolean to switch between both), and I want through the entire thing and changed the objects to be red’s pieces. So I know the actions work because it worked on blues pieces, and I also checked by replacing the condition to deleting the object, like i mentioned before. I just don’t know why it won’t change animation.

No, it’ll be with your events and logic. No one else has this issue. You just need to miss one thing with the copy and paste for it to cause issues.

Can you provide screen shots of all of RedBow’s animation changes?

Deleting the object will show it’s working, but not if something was resetting it back so fast that you couldn’t see it, because now the object is gone and can’t be reset. You can change a textbox to add It worked + NewLine.

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I also have an event group for invalid collisions and invalid moves but I’ve disabled them to see if they affect the object, and they don’t.

Hopefully you find the issue :pray:

In all the event screen shots you’ve provided, I cannot see on instance where Clickes_Zero is set to false, meaning this is action running every frame while it’s Red’s turn:


OMG I just changed it and it worked!!! It’s working for blue’s turn so i didn’t think about changing it. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

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