Font options other than Fira Sans

I’ve asked for a theme editor a while ago,
And while many people seem to like the idea as well, of course this would be no easy task for the developers to add.

That’s why I believe this would be so much manageable, different font options!
I know Fira Sans is part of GDevelop branding but I really dislike it and would rather set the engine to display with something like Segoe UI

It would make sense for it to be here, along other appearance options


IMO GD is already looking very approachable and smooth and there’s really no need to tweak the UI for now. I, on the other hand, very like the current font and I’m not a fan of Unity UI (which is using Segoe UI be default for example).

All in all, there are still a lot more important things to work on that I don’t think working on this could be justified.

I can tell it’s not priority but I don’t want it to be discarded,
But there will always be more important things to do, if that were the main criteria, nothing regarding the UI would ever be changed or added

that’s not true. IIRC, GD got a UI refresh not so long ago and the changes were pretty needed given that the outdated UI could repel a lot of new users and non power-users.

Ok, so if it was Segoe UI, which you don’t like, wouldn’t that make this a needed change so that it could not repel you?

I believe there’s more people like me, who don’t like it, just like there’s people like you, who like it

I’ve never noticed the font and don’t care what it is. But I think that NinetyRalph’s request is based on the hope that if it is an easy thing for the devs to add, then it’s a simple quick way of giving users more choice.