Game looks terrible in fullscreen

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How do I…

Keep my game from looking really bad when I do fullscreen mode in the preview? It looks normal in the preview when it opens up but when I fullscreen it it looks really stretched and pixelated. Mainly the player sprites.

What is the expected result

The game looks normal in fullscreen.

What is the actual result

The game looks really pixelated and bad. Like I said before, this is mainly the players. The background looks normal.

Related screenshots

In Project Manager click on Resources. Select the sprite and uncheck “Smooth the Image”. Maybe it works.

Images added from the asset store, no matter if smooth the image in properties is ticked or not, will be what it’s meant to be. So pixel art from asset store will ALWAYS add as non smooth and vice-versa. So as zutty said, click project manager, click resources, click on the player, and try unticking/ticking “Smooth the image” there.

Yeah, I remember this issue when I made the template…

Basically, the issue is that the different viewports are rendered at full resolution, but then the sprites are squashed down to a quarter of the screen, destroying the original image. It can be fixed by halving the resolution before rendering the player cameras, then upping the resolution again before GDevelop renders the frame.

However due to GDevelop internal implementation details quirks, this needs to be done in a hacky way using JavaScript code. I am on vacation so I do not have access to the code I had written for that purpose, but I believe I had shared it with… @Alios ?