Game stops receiving inputs / GDevelop is not responding


The project I’m working on has started to become laggy here and there, not in frames, but in inputs.
Frames are going smoothly as set, 60 FPS, but what happens is that it stops receiving inputs, like cursor location or anything else for a few seconds, after which it goes back to normal. Every now and then when this occurs GDevelop starts lagging as well, the whole app stops responding and it looks like it would crash, but it returns to normal afterwards. The interesting thing is while this whole problem is happening the previews I have open never drop on frames and events continue to be executed, but with difficulties with receiving any inputs.
I’m using the multiplayer behaviour and running two previews at a time.

So my question is: What could the problem be here? Could the multiplayer behaviour maybe be the cause of all this?

Thanks in advance.