GDevelop Folder System

GDevelop can have a folder system like in other engines so we can create folders and add the respective things in it


Jup that was my first request 2 years ago.
It looks like it’s not that easy to develop idk.
Maybe when pixiv5, dynamic light, 3D object, multiplayer and atlas-file are done, someone has time for object-folders.:relaxed:

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For now, you can Tag objects in GD and then filter by tag. Just right click any object in the list and select Tags and then you can filter by tag by selecting that little triangle on the top of the Objects panel. :+1:

Would be nice to be able to tag scenes too, wondering if I have requested this before or not :thinking:

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Well actually, pixi 5 seems near done, I know at least 3 persons (including me) who have successfully done multiplayer in gd5, and I’ve done a basic 3D renderer in gd5
Does that means object folders are next?