GDevelop forces me to move media to the project folder

Hi all,
I suddenly noticed a strange thing. I cant use subfolders anymore for my content. I usually have a lot of content and want to organise it in subfolder like this:
project folder/media/videofiles/
project folder/media/images/
project folder/media/sound

But now Gdevelop forces me to have everything directly in the project folder. Is there a way to override that? Or actually if I press cancel it will let me use my folders (not so intuitive), but it still recommends me to use the project folder. Why is that? Will I have any problems if I go on with my folder system?



GDevelop has always asked you to move the content to your project folder when you add a new resource.

Subfolders have never been directly supported. Pressing cancel when it asks if you want to move the file to the project folder will leave it in whatever folder you gave it in, but this may cause you issues in the long run if you move or rename those destination folders.

Note: As they aren’t supported, subfolders and folder structures are not kept when you export your game to any format. Exporting to an executable format will have them merged into a data file, and exporting to. HTML5 will put them into the same folder anyway.

Actually I have never got that message before as long as I store my media within my project folder. I always put my media files in a folder called media. I am aware of that all media is moved to the “root folder” when I export to html5. It’s not a great solution but it doesn’t matter that much since, it’s just messy. Anyways, thanks for your answer.


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I just went back a few versions (b121) and it seems to be the same there (prompting), even for subfolders of the existing project folder, but it could be that they weren’t detected properly before that.

I originally used subfolders originally when I first started using the engine back in late 2019 but stopped once I realized why it was asking me every time. I haven’t been using them since then so it’s possible there was a period of time where the detection wasn’t working.

I can understand the frustration if that changes part of your workflow, but as mentioned you can keep using it if you hit cancel. Hopefully that helps clear up any confusion, just keep in mind the inherent risks with not using the main project folder currently. I do know there has been some discussion about keeping folder structure upon export for stuff like HTML, but I don’t think that’s planned for anytime soon (or even agreed upon, yet).

I never got the message for subfolders in the last 90 GD versions.
Also not in v127 with old and new projects.
Try it with a new project, uninstall and reinstall GD, create a new main folder and copy your stuff into it,…

I think I know what has caused the problem. I copied an old project and made it a new project. Maybe GDevelop wants to be in the “old folder” where the original project was located, even though I have renamed and “saved as” in the new location. Anyways, I will keep pressing cancel.



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One more thing. When I re-link files and press cancel GDevelop substitutes the relative path with a full path all the way from my hard drive to the final folder. It looks really weird. It looks like this:

…/…/…/…/…/…/…/…/…/Posh/Uppdrag/Skansen/Baltic Sea Science Center/Content/FARRES Prod Skansen/i4 Forskarfilmer/Skarpt projekt/Universal/media/video/1_Bottentralning_K.mp4

That has never happened before either.

Maybe you should try to name the folder assets instead of media, as this is the name GDevelop uses. :thinking:
This folder prompt was introduced in beta 76, in 2019, but perhaps there was a recent change as to how it’s handled/checked, although I doubt it.

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Ahh, that might be the case. I’ll rename that folder in my next project to see if it works. If I rename it now I’ll have to relink all my assets :stuck_out_tongue:


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Now I tested and changed the name of the media folder from “media” to “assets” and suddenly everything is back to normal. Problem solved! Thanks Gruk!

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