[GitHub issue #5938] After you add [user interface] objects it should show the edit screen

When you add [user interface] objects like sliders and buttons, after you choose the version, it would be nice if Gdevelop showed the object’s edit screen like it does when you add any other type of object.

For consistency and convenience after choosing a style from this:

It should take you directly to the appropriate Edit screen:


Hello Keith!
Thank you for your topic.
It is indeed something that is fairly small and that it can improve the UI of the app.

I’ve created an Issue on GitHub.
Feel free to follow it here: Improve [for efficiency] the flow to add a new GUI object from scratch. · Issue #5938 · 4ian/GDevelop · GitHub

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Thank you. I appreciate how the people at Gdevelop listen to their users. Interactions are very important.

Is this really something that is decreasing productivity? There is the button “Skip and create from scratch” that allows to do that. It’s fairly visible and just one more click.
In exchange for this extra click, you get to see a bunch of existing objects from the asset store. This is important as we’ll get more and more advanced, custom objects like this created by the community, and usually it’s better not to start something entirely from scratch?

I’m not talking about skipping the theme selection screen but after you choose a theme it just exits. It doesn’t go to the object setup screen. My only request is that after selecting a theme, it shows the object edit screen as it does with any other object type.

When I add a slider, the first thing I’ll do is change the name and set the range and starting values. It’s much simpler if it treats the custom objects like all the other objects and shows the setting screen automatically after adding the object.


Oh right I see. Probably a good idea indeed to still open the object editor.

@Keith_1357 can I ask a question regarding how you work with UI elements?
You said that for you, it is better to see the Modal that displays the parameters of your object, instead of it taking you to the scene.
I assume that it is because after you’ve added your object, you immediately want to modify their parameters (you mentioned name and values).

Can I ask: are there other parameters that you modify, or other UI objects that you use?
Please mention what’s the case by object type (bar, button, slider…), the parameters that you modify, and if you find that happens often.
This information is just to have a better understanding on your personal workflow.

For any object type , it would be the name. I like descriptive names.

For a slider, it would be the initial value, the minimum and maximum. Maybe the label color or text position .

A toggle it might be the initial state.

A button would be the button text.

A resource bar would be similar to a slider. Initial value and maximum.

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Indeed it wasn’t a matter of creating a UI object from zero, but to modify the values of pre-existent ones.
Thank you for the context. That helped! :slight_smile:

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