Go where functions and variables are used

Hello !
While I am using variables and custom functions, there is a feature I am really missing in Gdevelop compared to other IDE : When clicking a function or variable on their panel, being told where it is used (if used).

I am prototyping a game, which implies that many functions and variable will finally be abandonned, or changed. It is easy lose track and mess things up…

I know that I can search the JSON, but intregrating such feature in Gdevelop would be really great !


+1 This would be a really useful feature!


Hi, I agree this would be useful

An idea:
A more general feature could be the improvement of the search tool. It could be able to look for conditions, actions, expressions. For example I want to see where I used the action “Change X Position”
So it would allow you to look for custom functions, or general functions, with the current search tool.
But maybe it would be a lot of work for developers, compared with the actual use of such a feature…

(it’s been some time I didnt use GD but I think also the search tool doesn’t work for the number written in ‘Repeat x times’ event.)


One year later I came back to my project. And I still have the same need :sweat_smile: !
I’d love to clean it safely and explore it conveniently…