Structures and array group variables becomes pretty much useless if they’re not 100% identical on all the objects in the group. The below example explains what I mean and what’s the request.
In the example I have 2 objects (Car1 - Car2) added to a group (Cars).
A group structure variable “Stats” is declared with some children, and each car object has different stats values.
Since the structure Stats is not identical on all the car objects in the group, the group variable Stats shows Mixed values and can no longer be edited, meaning I can’t add / remove / edit it’s children anymore. I can’t even expand it to see the children. The + sign will reset the the structure on all the objects and add a new child. So if I want to do add, remove or just rename a child, I’ll have to do this manually on all the objects. Which is the whole purpose of having group variables.
My feature request it to still be able to view / add / remove / edit the children in structures or array group variables even when the structure or array is not identical on all the objects. The Mixed values should only appear on the children that have different values and not the main structure or array.
Also, if there are different children on the objects (children with different names) or children that are declared for one object but not the other, the group structure will only show the mutual ones.
I thought it was a bug at first while I was working on implementing a new mechanic, because it made sense to be able to do this through the group panel instead of manually on each object.