Hello help needed someone help me to to fix this problems

Hello guys i need someone help
i have 3 problems i still can’t fix them. first one the bullet is not come out form the point that i chose it
second i don’t now how to do effect for bullet when it come out from gun and effect that i talk about is like line behind bullet
third is the flame. what i mean by that ,
the flame that come out when someone shoot .
this my project . MEGA

I think this is what you need. https://we.tl/t-eoHHSEHb9a

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This video will help you.

excellent example.:+1:
but I think that the animation 1, 2 and 3 of the shooting player should be better controlled with the W and S keys to make the shooting mechanics more dynamic.

the idea would be for the submachine gun to slowly adjust the angle of the shot by pressing up Y down.

how to do it. no idea.:pensando:…

I modified your project a bit to expose my idea. But I still have a problem shooting to the left and I don’t know how to modify it.


I didn’t understand…what you are asking for?

Modifiqué un poco tu proyecto para exponer mi idea. Pero todavía tengo problemas para disparar a la izquierda y no sé cómo modificarlo.


https://we.tl/t-fdgXxjqodj This might help you.

the example has the same problem …
does not rotate the gun correctly when pointing to the left

You are rotating the gun, that’s why it turns upside down. flip it instead.

Could you help me by modifying the project I uploaded?


I had not enough time to fix it all. but I think is much better. Have a look


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Thank you all of you guys

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